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Webinar Series

Recording from the webinar here.

Ecocide - historic context, facts, examples and outlook

In order to be able to talk about the application of the legal definition of ecocide at the international level, first a historical background is necessary. Subsequently, both the objective and subjective elements of the crime will be critically examined and the working methods of the judges and the prosecution of the ICC will be presented. Concrete examples and their classification as potential ecocide form the third part of the presentation, and to round things off, references will be made to the situation in Ukraine and a brief conclusion will be drawn. 

About the speaker

Luise Kozlowksi

Luise Maria Kozlowski is a German and Polish citizen, graduated from the FU Berlin in 2019 with the first state examination in law and is now a legal trainee in Berlin. In addition, she has an LL.M. in International Law from the University of Oslo since May 2022. The focus of her studies was a mixture of international environmental and criminal law, and her master's thesis dealt with ecocide. She now wants to share the knowledge she has gained and has therefore been involved with the Stop Ecocide Foundation Germany since September 2022.

According to the different speakers, the webinars will be held in German or English. This can be seen in the respective description. Further webinars are planned for WS 2022/2023.

Die Webinare bringen Praktiker:innen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammen, um die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bei der Einführung des Straftatbestands "Ökozid" sowohl im internationalen als auch im nationalen Strafrecht zu diskutieren. 

Entsprechend der unterschiedlichen Referent:innen finden die Webinare in Deutsch oder Englisch statt. Dies ist der jeweiligen Beschreibung zu entnehmen. Weitere Webinare sind für das WS 2022/2023 geplant.

Frühere Events: 16. Dezember
Webinar Series
Späteres Event: 8. Februar
Webinar Series